134,803 Parts Listed!!

Customers FAQs

Where do the items ship from?

All items are shipped from Japan through our business partners, FedEx, DHL, UPS, or EMS.

Can I choose the shipping carrier?

We do not allow for the selection of a specific carrier. We choose the most suitable company for delivery to your destination.

When will I receive my items?

Most items ship around in five business days (Follow Japanese Calendar), and delivery times vary by shipping company but typically take 5-10 days. For more details, please check our 'Shipping' section.

Will I be charged customs duties?

All items are treated as imports, so import taxes and duties will apply. For more details, please contact the Customs Office associated with your delivery address.

Will you undervalue the items for customs to reduce duties?

No. We cannot accept requests for undervaluing items for customs purposes.

Can I pay with a credit card?

Yes. We accept VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, and JCB credit cards. Payments via Shop Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay are also possible.

Can I pay with PayPal?

No. We do not accept payments through PayPal.